Welcome to my blog! I'm Karen Belt, a Deputy Principal, working at Lynmore Primary School in Rotorua, New Zealand. In the past I have taught Years 0 - 4 and used 1:1 iPads to engage and motivate learners and improve student achievement. This blog documents my teaching and leadership journey and my learning processes with iPads in the classroom. I am a Google Certified Educator #SYD17 and I'm proud of having been a member of the inaugural Manaiakalani Digital Teaching Academy(MDTA) program and a Spark Manaiakalani Innovative Teacher (MIT) and an inaugural Manaiakalani Google Class OnAir teacher.

Tuesday, 26 September 2023

BOI Summit 2023 - Day 2

 Another day in the gorgeous Bay of Islands for Day 2 of the Summit.  

Today's session will kick off hearing from the MIT 2023 cohort.

Opening Session: Pecha Kucha

So many amazing ideas and it is great to see the professionalism during the presentations - I look forward to exploring some of the sites that have been created particularly the Talk the TalkMath Ventures and Literacy Land

Session 1:  Live Streaming with Drones

Technology has come such a long way - the drone is so easy to fly and seems really stable.  This opens up new learning for me and I'm excited to explore the possibilities. 

Session 2:  Automagic Autocrat

A great inspiring way to use Google Sheets and add-ons to create certificates or mail outs - definitely this is something I can see a use for in my kura particularly around end of year certificates & prizegivings - this will save many hours in manually completing the certificates.  A link to the slides is here.

Session 3:  Rapid Reporting

This session again opened my eyes to the possibilities of using Google Sheets to create many different things - while no longer needing to write reports, there are still many possibilities that my mind was working on while attending this session.  Slides are here. 

Session 4:  Mind Your Messages

Students are using online social media platforms more and more - often inappropriately - the students don't have the skills to do so effectively and responsibly.  Link to site here.

Rounding off the day was an inspiring panel discussion around Innovation and the impact it has had (and will have in the future) on Education.

Once again, a few days of inspiring Professional Development that I enjoyed being a part of.  A huge thanks to the organisers!

Monday, 25 September 2023

BOI Summit 2023 - Day 1

Excited to attend another summit, this time in the beautiful Bay of Islands.  The host school is Bay of Islands College, located at Kawakawa.

Keynote session - Edith Painting-Davis, Principal, Bay of Islands College

Navigating to the North East

For a lot of children the relationships need to be in place for them to learn; what works for Maori works for all (Bishop, Berryman).   Create a pedagogy of relations (Te Kotahitanga).  Any change starts with the staff - having them on board can make the biggest difference.  Close links with whānau - the village raises a student.  Having the relationship with the whānau can really help.  Create a culture of caring in the staff - vigilance, generosity, and acknowledgements  - happy staff, happy students.  This will encourage staff to go above & beyond rather than the 9 - 3 mentality.

Create a balance between relationships, pedagogy and culture - to create the best learning environment for the tamariki in the classroom.  

Simon Sinick's golden circle - why do you do what you do?  Always make sure it has purpose before you do it.  Ensure you allow for teachers to have opportunities to try things - be open to ideas.  Taking the 'risk' is important to ensure you are open to possibly opportunities.

As a leader you need to be responsive and 'up with the play'.  Fight for what the students need in the school - challenge the status quo.  Collaborative leadership is everyone working with a shared vision.  Be consistently present to effect change - lead by example; noticing, acknowledging, recognising & utilising strengths for the benefit of the students, school and community.  Focus on the glimmers and not the triggers!

Session 1: Creating animations in Photopea

Using the online Photopea software, creating images or animations.  Link to slideshow here

Session 2: DFI Reboot:  Workflow

Digital fluency intensive session focussing on technology that improves workflow.  

Google Calendar - set up bookable times (use appointment schedule); set up what information you need when they are making a booking with you

Calendar + Gmail - Use the calendar button at the bottom of the email to offer calendar time slots for the recipient to choose from.

Google Keep  - Create Google keep headers using Google Slides

Link to slides here

Session 3: DFI Reboot:  Media

Digital fluency intensive session focussing on technology that create media using generative AI tools (Canva).   Link to slides is here

Cultural Experience - Waitangi Treaty Grounds

A must visit location that I've yet to see in person, so particularly with the new histories curriculum it was a bucket list visit.  Our tour guide was really informative and interesting to listen to - it certainly makes all the university learning that I have done come alive!  

As I process the learnings of today, I've taken a moment to bookmark some future reading from sessions I didn't attend today (as well as plan my sessions for tomorrow!)  So my "if I could be in two places at once" sessions are:

Getting creative with Mathematics & Statistics

What's New with Google

A full day of learning and cultural immersion - bring on day 2!