Over the last few years I have come to realise it is really important to do three things:
- Plan REALLY well, including a full list of all screen shots (really handy as you can film out of order)
- Always film MORE footage than you think you will need - definitely the case this year but that way there is little need to refilm (and try to get things exactly as they were on the day)
- Allow more TIME than you think you need for editing - it always takes longer! Movies this year were due in week 8 and I organised to film in week 2, which was way earlier than most. This gave me six weeks to work on editing (and it took nearly that long)
The opportunity of the Film Festival for my learners is amazing. I have some learners that I taught back in Year 1 so they knew that they would have the opportunity to dress up and get into their roles. For me, I try to make the experience enjoyable and different for my learners. They all get the opportunity to dress up and become the character. I also try to add the fantasy and "wow" moments by using the green screen room. This ensures that learners (who don't see the movie until it is on the big screen) don't really know what to expect.
So, without further ado, my Manaiakalani Film Festival entry for 2016 ... see what happens when its not "Just Another Day!"
A great collection of vignettes Karen, nice way to include lots of the children.